Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Constant Changes

1. The Topologies.

Due to the change of mentality on the twentieth century and the introduction of new technologies, there was a new conception of space: from the limited to the flowing, from the straight line to the curve.

In addition, a new form of architecture appeared, more concerned about human life; not focused only on structures but on psychological problems.

The most important exponent of this new concept in Spain was Gaudí, creator of a personal style based on observation of nature, which led him to use geometric rules, such as the hyperbolic paraboloid, the hyperboloid, the helix and the conoid.

2. New Visibilities.

The idea of Cartography has suffered a substantial change in recent times.

There has been a movement from the idea that the map was just a representation of reality to a wider concept which introduces new abstract representation forms that generate new ways of reading the map.

It’s now time to represent items that we had not even dreamed with.

3. From Artifices to Artefacts.

We understand artifice as something based on visual perception that alters the reality through mechanisms, generating sensory illusions.

We understand artifact as a functional element with a specific objective (a machine).

Following this line of thinking, we could associate the idea of an artifice to palatial architecture, and the idea of an artifact to a factory.

Nowadays, the Author-Architecture is overly formalistic, moving away from the precepts of the functionalist of  early 20th century, going back to artificial palatial architecture of the 16th and 17th centuries.

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