Thursday, October 28, 2010

what are we looking for?

IMAGE-FLUX -  a synonym for THE image of our time - fluid, ultra-thin and light.

A culture of flux and instabilities needs a new kind of image. This new image is rhizomatic, virtual and curved. It´s smooth, topologic, ultra-fast and infinite with knots, folds, spirals and inflexions.
The Image-Flux replaces the old modernist image, this crystal-image raised by a culture of glass - straight, transparent, metric and hierarchic.

The passage from a culture of stabilities and of objects, with it´s Fordism and it´s industrial standards, to a culture of instabilities and of flux with it´s cyberspace and it´s instantaneous communication is looking for a new type of image.


1 comment:

  1. why is this or should this be so linear. compare the old and the new to get more information how to use it as an operative medium
