Tuesday, October 19, 2010


A toponym, such as Paris or Berlin, is localized, and corresponds to a referential and contextual territory, a country, a fragment of a country or a planisphere.
If we reflect about this sentence, in a short time we notice that it can’t be true in this way. For sure every city and every village is localized strictly on the map, but if we analyze the thoughts of the architectural stream we come upon to another problematic: Merely every famous city has his landmark – a landmark that normally stems from a historical important époque – but the landmarks out of the recent building-years are highly exchangeable. It means that the architecture has made a relatively deep switch – the sites are no longer identified by their “important buildings”, contrary these “important buildings” are the medium to identify the sites.
The possibilities of a map to abstract every type of information related to a limited territory are really broad, but it seems that in future the abstraction, the universalization of our environments is getting more and more important too. (f)

The cartographic Cogito is thus that of a voyage in space-time and of a plural subject: being here and elsewhere, being near and far, being multiple, up to immersing oneself into all the possible utopias of a Space Art.
Franz Kafka- the metamorphosis. The focus is on the evolution of a fantasy interspace, universalization and adaption mechanism. The transaction to "beam" to another place and another time as break out of reality. Topic is to analyse the process of transformation from map and real space to fantasy. (g)

1 comment:

  1. i want ot see your map of phantasy and your very personal point of view to the ongoing deabtes about architectrue and its relation to sign.
