Sunday, January 16, 2011

Far than D.O.

In previous posts we have gone through different themes, starting with the evolution of new technologies and leading to the creation of new realities. Following this line, we reached the conclusion that we could create mainly every reality we can think of with virtual media.
See “Iperreality” post for more details.

After this; we saw that it was possible to go further, somehow we could use new technologies to create realities from our dreams. Refering to Achitecture, we can imagine a world where architects could create their buildings, theis spaces, their “impossible” proyects; and everyone can see, visit and experiment them. There would be no limits, all ideas would be sawn.

Nowadays, people and architects are working with virtual designing programs to make their thougs come true without the restrinctions of physical laws. But if dreaming could be the best way? Everyone can dream without having skills, it is able to everyone.

This have been treated in many movies like the followings:

So the next step could be to record our dreams. This would have many advantages:
-        we don´t forget them
-        we could review them
-        we could progamme them (selecting an environment, the people in the dream, etc.)

Althought science is working on different tools, this is just the beginning. Here are some of the achievements about it at the moment. 

So, where does all this lead to? If we try to combine our process of research with other themes developed in class, we could imagine the creation of an interface in wich we can share our dreams; something like “ Dreambook”. In this site we could upload our previously recorded dreams, share them with others and tag the people involved in them.

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