Sunday, January 16, 2011

Interaction: final reflection on the process

Interaction process:

1.- The person is connected to the world. Thanks to the new technologies, this link is instant, and the individual can receive an answer from the flux of information, in which is also an active member, giving away information.

2.- Then, a modified image is introduced in the information flux. The user is exposed to it as a part of the system. The image affects the flux itself, as it creates new desires, aims, ambitions, etc. in each participant.

3.- When the image finally reaches our individual, he starts wondering how can he adapt it to himself. By that time, other participants have already started the process, making public their thoughts, techniques and results on it.

4.- Lastly, after a research process, the person is adapted to that new unreal image. Ready to publish his own development, realizes he can go further as he needs to have a new environment that matches his new way of life/mentality/interests/etc.

5.- As the laws and regulations of the real world make it hard to develop a free adaptation, the user creates a parallel world in which he establishes all the facts that will rule it, as it is, at all, virtual reality.


The insertion of these modified images that support or promote non-real ideals, in almost every single aspect of each user's life, ranging from everybody's look to the house furniture or the configuration of the city. The desire of feeling identified with them grows, using the also increasing consumerism to reach all the corners of daily events, creating new needs. In the end, the person reaches a pseudo alienation and homogenization status, despite certain mechanisms start to work, beginning creative processes that participate in the flux, providing it with new elements and turning the user into an active part as a creator.
So, we can conclude that the globalization process that takes part nowadays tends to erase most of the individual own desires and motifs, substituting them by the ones established in the flux, but at the same time, due to the natural, anthropological desires of the human being of taking part to develop something bigger, that may lead him to remembrance when his time is gone; there's also a creative part that highlights the unique elements he has, making him definitively different from anyone in the net.

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