Monday, November 1, 2010


1. New Visibilities.
Definition of Maps & Diagrams


at first there is the pattern. a pattern can be described as a kind of visible information.


if one is capable of figuring out certain rules that a specific pattern follows then one
is enabled to read it like a map. in this case creating a map means applying master conditions to
collected information.


overlaying maps will get you diagrams. a diagram follows at least 2 forces that are related
to each other. those are called variables. variables are created out of the overlaying process.
most common variables are time and distance.

.multiple information in diagrams. G.Deleuze "Rhizom"
.making prozesses visible -

2. The Contemporary Cartorama


.blur relation of information in maps / diagrams
.generate perspective and define boundaries
.power and effects that can be generated out of master conditions.

what can these two pictures of gursky be described as?
at least they are patterns that's for sure. but they could also very well
work as maps if we could figure out the code to read them. is it an
ethic barriage that refuses to make the master conditions visible?
if  we compare the two we will get a diagram of time and distance.
but what does it say?

3. An Asthetic and Political Model of the Virtual (Surfaces)
.capturing the ephemeral - snapshots
.smooth and striaded

1 comment:

  1. are you sure that an image is a map? explain me why
    may be you can show us what is a map or a diagram or both and where the theory collaps or not.
    may be use serres book übersetzung. you will find it in the library of studio1
