Tuesday, November 16, 2010

value of the physical and the virtual

Based on Buci-Glucksmans analysation of the cartographic view we are focusing on how virtual modalities are now effecting physical realities.

As Buci-Glucksman mentioned in the text space gets transformed into time. A lot of works have been made (Greg Lynn, NOX...) which conceptualize and produce these virtual space-times that transform the real. Concerning these new topologies and surfaces another reality seems to be generated by the development of the cartographic view and the virtual. As mentioned in "A Networked Society" by Robert Sumrell, Kazys Varnelis phenomenons like the "One Wilshire" tower demonstrate the contradictionary relation of physical and virtual value. The physical value of this building is referenced only to it's importance for the virtual. This is also a product of the virtual space-time, a flat footed implementation of virtual and physical value.

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