Monday, November 8, 2010

virtual global development

New Visibilities
The new visibilities combine several homogeneous elements. The virtual develops a continuous fragmented level which enables the projection of images, signs, diagrams, directions. 

The Contemporary Cartorama
The map as surface is the interface of the world. The map converts the world into networks, processes and distances/ trajectories. The map is in between reality and abstraction, between location and delocalisation. 

An Aesthetic and Political Model of the Virtual

Reality is now projected through virtuality. Virtuality captures and produces reality and transforms it.

-The Topologies:        
Curves, folds, bendings of all sorts are means of projection of eternal space.

-From Artifices to Artefacts

The map is the interactive surface. The digital tools enable to position man within things instead of in front of them.


The map exists as surface. The surface becomes a digital interface which displays realities virtually.

Card from 1500 
 The "TV Buddah" sculpture was shown by Nam June Paik in the Whitney Museum.
Aegis Hyposurface by dECOi

Google Earth

a plattform of the present global translation of information.
The cartographical development of Google Earth is no longer only the surface.

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